Perhaps I should mention that during a car wreck I was in about 5 years ago, I suffered Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). One of the most frustrating aspects of this injury is it’s effect on my short-term memory, Prior to that crash, I considered myself “smarter than the average bear”. But now, unless I do something repeatedly, or unless it makes a huge impact on me, I don’t remember it just a day or two later. I can literally read a book, or watch a movie, and then watch it again “for the first time” a month or two later. I still know most everything I knew before the accident, but retaining new knowledge is very challenging for me. I believe that this affliction was placed upon me to ensure I never again stray too far from the Word.
Today at church, the Pastor delivered a very well spoken service. Theologically sound, pertinent, and well delivered. I have already forgotten most of it. This frustrates me more than I can describe. This affliction is what prevents me from sharing the Word very much. When I do, I stick to very basic teaching, largely due to me being afraid I will forget a critical part and teach in error. I do not seem to have any trouble grasping large concepts. I struggle very much with details. I am afraid I will get a detail wrong and either teach falsely, or turn the potential Christian away. What a relief it is to know that the called will come, but I wish I could play a larger role in this occurring.
For the past several weeks, I have dabbled into Christian Apologetics. I have decided that Apologetics contains too much meat, while I still require milk. I am not yet familiar enough with the “details” to try to defend the Word. This after studying most every day for a couple years now.
Speaking of “meat”, I have become very fond of the teachings of Elder Jim McCarty, who pastors a small church in Tennessee. He has a web site with years worth of recorded messages. I absolutely LOVE the style in which they conduct service. It is not “preaching”, it is teaching. Pastor Jim often fields questions and comments during the message, ensuring the topic is understood. He teaches line-by-line through the bible, and often spends hours on a single passage or chapter. If this sounds interesting to you, his achieved messages can be found at If you are more into looking the teacher in the eyes, they also have a youtube channel at Salvation By Grace. Much in-depth learning to be had at these sites. I thank God daily for showing me this teacher. Although I prefer the line-by-line examinations of Scripture, there are also a couple topical messages. I would suggest a new Christian begin with the Sovereignty of God series.
As always, if you happen upon these musings, my hope is that God’s peace be yours.
Well Said.....