Saturday, April 20, 2013

Simplicity at its dumbest

As a relatively new Christian (about 2+ years), there is what I am sure is a very basic concept I am struggling with.

There are periods of time in which I feel very close to the Lord, and sure of my salvation. There are almost an equal number of times that I feel He is far from me and I question it.

Does this make any sense? I mean, you either believe or you don’t, right? Ok, so I believe. But fairly often, I have to “convince” myself that I believe. I pray daily for stronger faith, but still struggle with this.

I guess all I am hoping for is to discover that this is not unusual for a child of God. My biggest fear is that I am not so much running to the LORD, but running from hell.

If you read this, may the Peace or the LORD be with you!